Productivity Frequently Asked Questions

What To Do If You Are Struggling To Get Things Done

If you are looking to grow your business online (or offline, for that matter), or are wanting an executive position at work, you need to be able to execute tasks quickly.

You need to be able to consistently achieve desired outcomes, often at the click of your fingers (or your bosses).

The problem is when the majority of people are put in this situation they freeze, as overwhelm sets in.  The inner dialogue goes:

"I have to research the article (draft report), I have to write the article (write the report), I have to edit the article and run it through copyscape (I have to get my boss to approve it ) and I have to publish the article (get the boss to sign it), and my kid is getting an award at school.

The end result is the article (report) does not get done and you miss your kid getting their award.

Here's how you fix this.  You set yourself a deadline.  You give yourself a certain amount of time and then whatever you have done is what you publish (or give your boss).  This has two benefits:

1. In accordance with Parkinson's law, it is likely you will actually get it done within the deadline, provided it is realistic.

2. You are training your brain that promises to yourself matter. Your brain learns from your actions, not your thoughts.  If it believes deadlines don't matter it won'e enforce them, and as years pass nothing will change.

For more reading on this, purchase Double Your Productivity now!


It is great you are setting yourself deadlines as a first step of becoming more productive but there are reasons why they do not always work.

You may set deadlines that are too tight.  You need to allow yourself time for mistakes, or otherwise you are going to completely stress yourself out.  Delays, mistakes and stuff ups happen, so be kind to yourself.  If you or your boss do not understand this, you need to make it clear (and you only learn this when you take action to become more productive).

A second common reason why deadlines are not achieved is you may try to accomplish something that's not who you are as a person.  For example, if I tried to fix a car (anything more complicated than an oil change)... I could set all the deadlines I want and even though they may help a little, I'd hate every minute of it and I'd procrastinate forever.

So for an effective deadline, be clear on your capabilities (a little stretch is ok), put on the timer and be OBLIGATED to finishing when time runs out.

For full details of what this looks like, grab your copy of Double Your Productivity.

How Can I Become More Productive Consuming Information

When you consume information, whether it be from a paid training program or ebook, you have a choice.  You can either congratulate yourself for all the new knowledge you have gained, and then get back to your life.  Fundamentally, there has been no change.

Alternatively, you can decide to act on the information you have learned.  It may not make you feel as good, to start with, as you are taken out of your comfort zone, but this is where pivotal change can happen.  This is how you change trajectory of where your life is going, like double, triple, or 10x your income, or an increase in your focus and productivity, or let you gain back the motivation you lost a long time ago.

In my opinion, this concept applies to every area of your life.
However... nowhere this is more important than when you're consuming information.

Most people choose the first option.  They love the idea of what the material will let them accomplish, such as if they're reading a book about being more productive, they enjoy the possibility of being more productive.  But the only way to become more productive is to roll up the sleeves and get to work to actually try and implement the insights. The good news is it is always up to you to decide what it's going to be.

There's nothing bad with choosing with the first option, but to change your life you need to become more productive, and you only do this by taking action.

If you're twice as productive, then, as far as your environment supports it, you're going to achieve at least twice as much. However, as growth is almost always exponential you can expect even more income, free time, and the ability to decide what you want to do at any given moment.

If you are serious about becoming more productive, grab your copy of Double Your Productivity now!